The Most Epic Munchies On Instagram

For some, today is just another Hump Day full of meetings that could have been an email. But for others, April 20 marks a very special, highly anticipated occasion. We'll let you weed through the possibilities for yourself.

Depending on how you spend this holiday, you may find yourself overcome with an inescapable desire to stuff your face with every morsel of food in sight. This desire may also be accompanied by an overwhelming need to lie down on a couch, stare dazedly into space and avoid all responsibilities. Congratulations—you've got the munchies.

Today, we bring you the most crave-worthy photos we could find on Instagram, all in one place, so you can feast your eyes on the most epic, over-the-top munchies out there without leaving your couch. Our apologies for making your insatiable hunger even worse, but that's what delivery is for.