Brunch Cocktail Recipes From Nitehawk Cinema, The Bachelor Farmer
"Classic brunch drinks are like a meal in a glass," says Pip Hanson, bar manager at The Bachelor Farmer and Marvel Bar, both in Minneapolis.
Yes, we're touting the health benefits of morning drinking.
"Mimosas deliver vitamin C, while a Ramos nourishes a little with cream and egg white."
Okay, forget the health benefits. Think about the life benefits.
The point is: Coffee and juice have their place, but we like to start the day with something a little stronger.
The Bachelor Farmer's Coffee Flip | The Sonny from Nitehawk Cinema
Booze: It's what's for brunch.
The Classic: For the Ramos Gin Fizz (watch the video), that standard of milky morning tippling and breakfast drink of choice of the late Louisiana governor Huey P. Long, we turned to The Sazerac Bar in New Orleans. Tip: Pour the cocktail from high above the glass. It accentuates the fizz–and you look cool doing it (see the recipe).
The Caffeine Kick: At The Bachelor Farmer, Hanson takes his morning brew up a notch with the Coffee Flip, which he lovingly calls the "thinking bartender's espresso martini." The drink's got espresso, bourbon and an egg (see the recipe). "You could probably just have three of these and call it breakfast," Hanson says.
The Cuckoo for Cocoa Puffs Cocktail: Nitehawk Cinema in Brooklyn has an entire White Russian menu, created by Secret Formula, for their monthly morning cartoon marathon, Spoons, Toons & Booze. We liked The Sonny, topped with Cocoa Puffs (see the recipe)–mainly because it tasted like a frothy, crunchy, spiked chocolate milk. Make it at home this weekend, switch on Looney Tunes and...that's all, folks.