We Asked A Coffee Expert: This Is The Absolute Best Blend For Cappuccinos

Looking to make your own cappuccino at home but don't know what's the absolute best blend of coffee beans to use? Since we've had this question in our minds as well, we consulted a coffee expert and former barista, Matt Woodburn-Simmonds.

Woodburn-Simmonds' answer was definitive when he stated, "A blend of arabica and robusta beans that has been dark roasted is ideal for cappuccino making ... You can use fruitier arabica blends too, but for that classic [cappuccino] flavor it needs to have at least some robusta beans in the blend." Dark roast coffee tastes different from light roast coffee and tends to be less acidic, bolder, smokier, and more robust in flavor. Additionally, a blend of arabica and robusta beans is ideal for making cappuccino due to all the delicious tasting notes these beans provide. Woodburn-Simmonds continued and said, "This rich, intense, chocolate and spice style with slight smokiness really comes into its own with a little sweetness from the textured milk and the mouthfeel of the dense microfoam."

A cappuccino is only as good as the beans you use. Thus, it's also important to know what the absolute best ways to keep coffee beans fresh are

Dark roasted coffee beans are ideal for milky coffee drinks

Now Woodburn-Simmonds, who is behind the Home Coffee Expert blog, wants you to know that while his stance on the absolute best blend for cappuccinos is definitive, he's okay if you prefer lighter roasts. You don't always have to use espresso roasts to make a good cappuccino at home. He explained further, "...if your taste runs to lighter roasts like mine then by all means. But the darker roasts have a bolder flavor that mixes better with milk than lighter roasts." The lighter roasts can also get "lost" when mixed with steamed milk.

There are fans of lighter roasts, and then there are fans of darker roasts, and there are reasons why. Woodburn-Simmonds explained, "When making cortado or cappuccino or latte the more powerful darker roasts really come into their own creating a beautiful balance between the sweet milk and bitter notes of the dark roast." Whereas, he added, lighter roasts are better for black coffee drinks, including espresso, Americano, long black, pour-over, and more.

So it really depends on your palate and preferences, but our expert's stance is to use a dark roasted blend of arabica and robusta beans to make your next best cup of cappuccino at home. Before you go and channel your inner barista, be sure to check out Tasting Table's 11 tips for making the best homemade cappuccino and use our homemade (and handmade) cappuccino recipe.