Costco Is Selling Extremely Pricey Coffee Beans For An Incredible Bargain

Hurry and run, don't walk, to your nearest Costco to nab extremely pricey coffee beans for an incredible bargain. Just a few months back, Costco sold a package of San Francisco Bay Platinum Coffee Collection (Costco product #1761978) for $75.00, ranking it high up there as one of the most expensive foods at Costco and showing just how bad the increased price of coffee has become

We at Tasting Table, however, were able to snag the coveted package of coffee recently at the Los Feliz (LA) Costco location for just $18.00, a price that is almost unheard of for premium coffee beans! The beans were not expired, with a best-before date of 9/28/24 on the packaging; however, there was no indication of when the beans were roasted.

Still, this is an incredible bargain, as you get three ¾ lb bags of coffee: the Panama Geisha, 100% Kona Coffee, and Rwanda Huye for under 20 bucks. Both the Panama Geisha and 100% Kona Coffee beans can sell for upwards of $50.00 per pound. As per Costco, several local stores currently carry this coffee package, although prices can vary by a couple of dollars. San Francisco Bay Coffee's website shows that the brand has removed this collection from its online shop, with only Mamalahoa Estate 100% Pure Kona available for sale at $57.99 per pound. 

Premium coffee beans are pricey for a reason

It's no secret that coffee prices have surged, with an average cup of joe costing around $6.00. The world's priciest coffee is also sometimes harvested in unique and extravagant ways. For example, one expensive coffee is harvested with the help of elephants. While San Francisco Bay Coffee does not claim to harvest its coffee beans with the help of elephants or make Kopi luwak with the help of cat-like animals called civets, the popular coffee brand is proud of its high-quality and gourmet whole coffee beans.

The average price of a pound of coffee beans is $6.00, but the average price of premium coffee beans is upwards of $20.00 per pound. A lot of blood, sweat, tears, and hard work goes into each bag of roasted coffee beans. With inflation and climate change affecting supply and leading to shortages, premium coffee prices are bound to soar. That's why we think that Costco's San Francisco Bay Platinum Coffee Collection package priced at $18.00 is a must-buy and that it'll sell out very soon. It's another thing that might make you wonder how Costco is able to keep its prices lower than most other retailers.