The Best Way To Store Leftover Ramen For Later

There are many different ways to spice up your instant ramen. This convenience food is so versatile. Some easy ways include adding your favorite veggies to the noodles, tossing in an egg, mixing it with your favorite spicy pesto, adding a little tangy yogurt, and the list goes on and on. And while it's easy to slurp down a whole bowl in one sitting, there may be a point when you find yourself with leftover noodles and uncertain if you can store them for future use. The answer is, yes, you can.

The best way to store your ramen for later is to divide and conquer, meaning separate the noodles from the broth, as well as any add-in ingredients, and store each in airtight containers. This way your noodles won't absorb the liquid and turn into slimy mush and be completely inedible for your next meal. If you store your ramen in this manner, the noodles should be good for two to three days. It also ensures your veggies, proteins, and crunchy elements keep their texture.

You can freeze your ramen too

If you are worried that your ramen noodles will become sticky, you can always add a small glug or two of olive oil and coat your remaining noodles. This will ensure they don't get clumpy when you place them in your sealed plastic bag until you are ready to eat. 

However, if you know you aren't going to get around to eating your leftover ramen within three days it might be better to freeze them. These noodles are generally good for up to three months when you freeze them in a freezer-safe airtight container. That said, the same rule applies: Freeze the broth, add-ins, and noodles separately to avoid a mushy mess.

How can you tell that it is time to toss your leftover ramen noodles? It's best to rely on your senses. If they look or smell funny or are slimy to the touch, don't eat them. And of course, when it doubt, throw them out.