The Absolute Best Way To Add Fresh Flavor To Pork Chops Is To Use Herbs

Pork chops are the perfect option for a quick weeknight dinner because they're easy to cook, don't take much time to finish, and are often more affordable than other proteins. We all probably have our favorite recipes for pork chops, but if you need a way to add fresh flavor, the obvious choice is to use herbs. For this technique to work, you should use fresh herbs rather than dried herbs so you get the freshest flavor profiles that won't overpower the meal.

Fresh herbs elevate pork chops so well for a few reasons. For starters, pork has a milder taste compared to other meats, which allows the fresh flavors of the herbs to shine. Many cuts of pork chops are also rather fatty — and all of that fat will soak up the tasty herbal essences for flavor-packed bites. Plus, because pork is such a versatile protein and can be cooked with various techniques and served in many different ways with any type of side dish you want, it's easy to use whatever herbs you already have in the kitchen to prevent potential food waste.

How to flavor pork chops with fresh herbs

Any herbs will work to brighten up your pork chops, so it's really up to your preference. If you want to stick with one herb, try rosemary, thyme, sage, or parsley, because they all have strong flavor profiles that will give the meat flavor when combined with salt and other spices. You can also mix those herbs together for an even more flavor-packed combination. Italian recipes often lean on basil, oregano, and parsley, so use those if you're serving the pork chops with a pasta dish or want to dredge the pork chops in Italian herb breadcrumbs. 

Once you settle on what herbs you want to use on your pork chops, there are different ways to incorporate them into the dish. You can finely chop any of the fresh herbs and add them to a marinade or a dry rub. For marinades, add the chopped herbs to your favorite recipe, and for a dry rub, mix them with salt, black pepper, and other seasonings like garlic and onion powders. 

An herb compound butter is another delicious way to add flavor to your pork chops. You can add the herbs and butter directly to the pan and use the mixture to top the pork chops both while cooking and when served. The final way to add herbiness to your pork chops is to place the whole sprigs in the pan and allow the meat to absorb the flavors. Then, you can baste the chops and toss out the herbs when it's time to serve them.