Save Time And Roast Canned Potatoes For The Simplest Side Dish

For the nights when you have impromptu dinner guests or want to treat yourself to something other than a microwavable meal, you may think that you need to spend a lot of time laboring over an elaborate meal. Thankfully, there are simple side dishes that are sure to impress without much effort. Roast canned potatoes for a dish that's quick and delicious.

While you technically don't need to cook canned potatoes, they'll taste much better after they're heated up. Crisp with a creamy interior, roasted potatoes are one of the best ways to eat the spuds. As incredible as they are, potatoes can take up to 50 minutes to roast. However, since canned potatoes are partially cooked, they only take half the time. Preheat your oven to 400 F and rinse the canned potatoes to remove the excess salt. Pat them dry and toss them in olive oil or melted butter. Sprinkle them in salt and pepper and allow them to roast for 25 minutes or until they're golden brown.

Spruce up canned spuds with these recipes

You can never go wrong with roasting potatoes in olive oil and your favorite herbs. Sprinkle rosemary, thyme, oregano, and dill, along with salt and pepper, onto the canned potatoes and roast them in the oven. The perfect side dish for a quick air fryer steak dinner, roast the potatoes along with asparagus and carrots for a hearty meal.

If you're willing to put in a little more effort, hasselback the canned potatoes for a crispy side. Whisk olive oil with white vinegar to create zesty potatoes. Add coarse sea salt onto the potatoes and serve with fresh parsley and melted garlic butter. For potatoes that don't require as much time, simply coat them in melted butter and sprinkle salt, pepper, paprika, and parmesan on them right before roasting. When they're heating in the oven, add chives and dill to sour cream to eat this cheesy, roasted delight, and serve them with grilled chicken caesar salad.