Spice Up Your Next Pot Of Soup With A Few Spoonfuls Of Salsa

When the days get cold or call for comfort, soup is undoubtedly a great choice for warming the belly and soothing the soul. Fortunately, this dish is also endlessly versatile, so, whether you're in the mood for something creamy, umami, savory, or even sweet, there's always a perfect soup in the arsenal. And for those who can never get enough of spicy, hearty food, adding salsa to your simmering pot of soup is all it takes to satisfy those cravings.

Bold and vibrant, this Mexican classic does not shy away from the spotlight. When infused in soups, salsa's tumultuous mixture of savory, tangy, and spicy notes takes center stage and captivates the taste buds with bursting flavors. Just a few spoonfuls are enough to give the broth extra dimension and envelop the remaining ingredients in hearty goodness. Consisting of various diced veggies, salsa also enhances the soup's texture by adding small, tender chunks that go perfectly with the rich, silky broth.

Let's not forget about the factor of convenience in using salsa as a soup condiment, either. It boasts tremendous flavors for very little effort, whether you're making it from scratch or using store-bought jars. If you have some leftovers from last night's meal, even better. Not only is it a great way to repurpose the food, but the salsa's flavors will have also had time to deepen which can give your soup a much more complex taste.

Soup and salsa : an endlessly diverse combination

Needless to say, salsa is an excellent addition to Mexican soups – tortilla soup, enchilada soup, albondigas soup, black bean soup, and more. However, the list expands well beyond that. Salsa complements a wide range of ingredients and cuisines, allowing endless opportunities for experimentation. With a tomato base, it couldn't be a more perfect fit for spicing up your sweet-tangy tomato soup. 

When incorporated into creamy soups like chowder or bisque, it lends a striking flavor contrast that walks a fine line between sweet and spicy. For some, simply adding it to regular chicken soup is more than enough for a cozy, wholesome meal jam-packed with hearty flavors. Although salsa is known to be spicy, you can always tailor the spiciness to fit your preference. This can be done by adjusting some of salsa's main ingredients, particularly the types of chili peppers or chili powder and other spices used. 

A mild or medium salsa is great for imparting just a subtly spicy undertone. On the other hand, if you crave a fiery kick, go for a hot or extra-hot salsa. Moreover, just as there are many soup varieties, there are also various types of salsa. From classic tomato and salsa verde to fruity mango and smoky chipotle salsas, you've got plenty of combination choices to cook up some truly flavor-bursting comfort food.