The Searing Tip For Perfect, Tender Lamb Chops

Although popular in regions like Central Asia, Iceland, and New Zealand, lamb doesn't receive the love it deserves in the U.S. Sure, its stronger flavor profile, which some would call gamey, may seem intimidating; however, that exact quality also means it takes less intervention to showcase the best of the cut. In most simple lamb recipes, it's a protein source that dazzles with both its savory notes and aesthetic appearance. Just take a plate of perfectly prepared lamb chops; the meat stuns when served on the bone.

So, that begs the question: What's the preferred method to cook a rack of lamb chops? The meat is predisposed to being cooked in a similar way to steak, with a controlled high heat to caramelize the exterior, all the while maintaining a tender, medium-rare interior. That makes grilling, roasting, and especially searing, excellent techniques for the task. When well-seasoned and thrown onto a hot pan, lamb chops will shine — just make sure to keep a few considerations in mind.

Sear several chops at a time to prevent overcooking

Bone in lamb chops are oftentimes thin, around ¾ of an inch or less. As a result, they're prone to overcooking. By the time the exterior is seared, the interior will already reach an unpalatable chewiness. So, to attain that perfect medium-rare doneness, cook a couple of chops at once instead. Purchase an entire rack and cut it into two-chop rack segments. Season liberally, either sprinkling in salt and pepper or turning to flavors like garlic and rosemary. Then, heat the cast iron pan to a controlled sizzling temperature and place the lamb in it. Sear for a few minutes on each side, then finish in a 300 degrees Fahrenheit oven for a few minutes depending on preference, or simply cover with foil if you're happy with rarer meat.

If your lamb cut has been butchered thicker — like a loin cut with the bone running through the middle, then there's less need to worry about overcooking. But just remember to be patient with the rest time; all lamb will need a few minutes for all the juices inside to redistribute so that it's succulent. Only after resting should you slice the double chops into individual segments and serve.