Saffron Butter Is The Simple Addition That Elevates Pasta To New Heights

Saffron might be a pricey ingredient, but certain recipes are well worth the splurge, and creamy saffron butter pasta is one of them. Saffron has been used to flavor stews and desserts, but when mixed into a buttery bowl of freshly cooked pasta, even a simple recipe becomes elevated without much effort. Plus, with science-backed benefits like boosted mood and reduction in oxidative stress, saffron makes for a colorful and aromatic ingredient that can enhance your go-to comfort meals in all the right ways.

You don't need much to put together this delicious recipe quickly. Garnished with fresh herbs and sprinkles of red pepper flakes, the simple dish is not only aesthetically pleasing but is also easy to make. In less than half an hour, you can be digging into a warm bowl of orange-hued pasta, chowing down on buttery pieces of toasted bread, and binge-watching your latest favorite TV series while feeling like a professionally trained chef.

A quick sophisticated touch for a simple recipe

Look in the spices section of your local store for saffron. You'll only need half a teaspoon for this recipe. After separating the pieces with your fingers or using a pestle and mortar to break them down, place the saffron into a dish and add hot water to steep. After ten minutes, the water will turn burnt orange and be infused with flavors from saffron. Next, heat butter in a pan and add equal parts of the saffron-soaked water and wine to simmer along with heavy cream. Salt to taste. 

Before mixing in the pasta noodles of your choosing, set aside a portion of your saffron-flavored butter to spread onto sliced homemade garlic bread. You can also reserve some of the butter to swirl into your next bowl of soup, or even try topping tomorrow's pancakes with the flavorful and aromatic spread. 

After combining the saffron butter with pasta, cook until the creamy, orange pasta sauce has thickened and plate to serve with your choice of garnish. Chopped herbs, flaky sea salt, ground black pepper, or red pepper flakes can be the crowning touch this dish deserves, and you may just feel like royalty after sampling the first bite.