Before Cooking Frozen Pizza, Customize The Flavor With Your Own Added Toppings

Since its invention, pizza has been a meal for the working class. It has taken on numerous forms, from thin crust to deep dish, becoming a global favorite for the hungry masses. Frozen pizzas are prime examples of this comfort food's all-embracing legacy, as they offer cheap and effortless crowd-pleasing pies for budget-conscious consumers.

While there are plenty of frozen pizza brands to choose from, they may not offer your favorite topping combinations. Thankfully, it's easy to customize a frozen pizza with your favorite toppings by adding them yourself. Since you often purchase frozen pizzas at a grocery store, you're only a few aisles away from your favorite toppings, too.

If you buy multiple frozen pizzas to eat far into the future, you can use leftovers or canned ingredients for creative and delicious pizza flavors. After all, practically anything tastes good on a pizza! What's more, you can add different topping combinations to the same pizza so that every member of a group can have their favorite flavors on the specific slices they'll eat. Because you can prepare ingredients in the time it takes you to preheat and bake your pizza, you'll have plenty of time to quickly cook raw toppings, heat leftovers, or open and drain canned or bottled ingredients.

How to add toppings to frozen pizza

The safest way to add toppings to frozen pizza is after you've taken it out of the oven. Whether the frozen pizza bakes for 20 minutes at medium-high temperatures or high heat for a few minutes, you'll risk burning dainty vegetables or undercooking starches and meat if you add them before baking.

Customizing frozen pizzas gives you the creative freedom to experiment with flavors and also affords you the luxury of getting exactly what you want instead of settling for the toppings set by a brand. If you want to spruce up a pepperoni pizza, add pickled jalapenos and hot honey. For meat lovers, saute leftover breakfast sausage and slices of your favorite cold cuts to top a pizza fresh out of the oven.

You could also base toppings off leftover meals. Leftover rotisserie chicken and roast potatoes would make a deliciously robust pizza to drizzle with pesto, barbecue sauce, or Alfredo sauce. Veggie lovers can top a simple cheese pizza with sliced olives, roasted red peppers, marinated artichoke hearts, and a handful of mixed greens for an easy and colorful twist on a plain pie.