The Easier Method For Weaving A Picture-Worthy Pie Lattice

The prettiest pies don't have to stay in your Instagram feed. As complicated as an intricate lattice of crust might appear, weaving the dough prior to placing it on top of your pie can result in a better-looking treat once the baked good is taken out of the oven. Though braiding strips of dough may take some practice, working on a surface away from your filled fruit pies can alleviate some of the pressure you might feel in getting your design just right. With a bit of finesse, you, too, can make beautiful desserts worthy of social media posts.

Once you have twisted and braided strips of dough to your liking, you can place the pieces on top of your filled pies and attach the end of each piece to the outer layer of the pie crust. Working with cold dough will give you a sturdier material to manipulate and fold, and you can use kitchen tools to create patterns and textures that are aesthetically pleasing.

Practice makes perfect pies

Because there are many variations of beautiful lattice designs, working away from your filled pies can give you a bit more creative freedom as you experiment with layering thicker strips of dough, braiding thinner slices of crust, or practicing folding patterns to lay on top of blueberry, apple, and pecan pies. If you do happen to make a mistake assembling the lattice, removing pieces or starting over becomes less of a hassle since you won't need to take off any placed pieces from the surface of your pie.

Whether you decide to use cut-out shapes to finish your pie or lightly press the tongs of a fork into the edges of your doughy crust, you have plenty of options for making a picture-perfect pie. Even if you rely on a standard go-to pie recipe each time to set out to bake, the appearance of your pie can change, and with practice, your baked goods will rival those assembled by professionals.