Tomato Concassé Elevates Flavor By Removing The Seeds And Skins

Tomato concassé might sound like a fancy French term, but it's a straightforward technique that can elevate your dishes. This simple yet versatile preparation involves removing the seeds and skins from tomatoes, leaving you with a refined tomato base that can be used in countless recipes.

The term is derived from "concasser," which means "to crush" or "to roughly chop" in French. In the culinary world, tomato concassé refers to peeled and seeded tomatoes that have been diced or chopped. The process is primarily employed for its textural benefits. Seeds, while not necessarily bitter, can add an undesirable texture to certain dishes. When seeds are cooked, they can become tough and grainy, which can be unpleasant in sauces, soups, and salsas. Removing the seeds ensures a smoother and more enjoyable mouthfeel in your final dish.

Just like the seeds, tomato skins sometimes impart an unpleasant texture and can be difficult to chew. Removing the skins results in a velvety tomato base that seamlessly blends into any recipe.

Tips for making tomato concassé

To make tomato concassé at home, start with ripe, juicy tomatoes as they will yield the best flavor and texture. Using a paring knife, make a small "X" on the bottom of each tomato. This will facilitate the peeling process. Bring a pot of water to a boil and prepare a bowl of ice water. Carefully place the tomatoes in the boiling water for about 20-30 seconds until you see the skin start to peel back, then immediately transfer them to the ice water to stop the cooking process.

Once the tomatoes are cool, peel off the skins starting from the "X" you made earlier. The skin should slip off easily. Cut the tomatoes in half horizontally and gently squeeze out the seeds and excess liquid. Then, dice or chop the flesh to your desired size. You can use the tomato concassé immediately in your recipes or store it in an airtight container in the refrigerator for a few days.

So, the next time you want to elevate your tomato-based recipes, consider employing the simple yet impactful technique of making tomato concassé. By removing the seeds and skins, you'll create a base that's not only visually appealing but also enhances the overall texture and taste of your dishes.