What Makes High-Heat Spatulas A Must-Have Cooking Tool

Having high-quality cooking utensils is essential if you use your kitchen often. They last longer and help to make your food better. It is especially important to have tools that are heat-proof or that can handle high temperatures because so much of what we do in the kitchen requires intense heat like frying or grilling. Martha Stewart says that heat-resistant tools are key items in any kitchen. Whether you use the stovetop, oven, or fryer, high-quality heat-resistant cooking utensils can handle whatever you throw at them — from hot grease, spitting oil, to boiling water. Better quality tools are worth the money you sink into them because they last longer too. (Added bonus: they are also much easier to clean!)

So what kinds of cooking utensils should you buy that are heat resilient? Tongs, whisks, and stirring spoons are always good bets, but you must always buy spatulas that are high-heat resistant. The reason spatulas are important is that you'll use them for everything, from flipping an egg on a skillet to smoothing hot caramel onto a sheet pan. A spatula is going to be one of the utensils that come into contact with direct heat the most during your cooking endeavors.

More bang for your buck

According to LifeHacker, high-heat spatulas are a staple tool in culinary schools. They are made from either rubber or silicone and are perfect for scrapping, scooping, and mixing. It is an especially necessary tool when mixing up food on a hot stove such as syrup, melted chocolate, or soup. Delishably highly recommends using a silicone spatula because it is especially high-heat resistant and can sometimes withstand up to 600 degrees Fahrenheit depending on the manufacturer! Unlike rubber, the silicone won't melt into your food if you leave it on the stove accidentally. Another benefit is that quite a lot of silicone spatulas are resistant to stains, which are prone to cling to rubber utensils much more often (let alone wooden utensils, which are porous and pick up a little of everything you use them on).

Food & Wine affirms that if you love to bake or cook at all, you must invest in a quality silicone spatula because odds are, you're going to use it every time you cook and bake. After researching and testing various silicone spatulas, the site recommends a handful of their top choices for you to choose from. They listed the U-Taste Silicone Spatula Set as their overall best choice, the Tovolo Flex Core Wood Handled Spatula as the most heat-resistant choice, and the KitchenAid Bamboo Handle Scraper Spatula at the best market value, all of which you can purchase on Amazon.