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The Cuisine Both King Charles And Princess Diana Loved

It's no secret that King Charles and Princess Diana had their differences. They met when the princess was 16 and the king was 28. Although they were married for 15 years, their relationship was often rocky, with Princess Diana herself dubbing her wedding day the worst day of her life (via Insider). It was speculated that King Charles was having an affair during this time and after the couple separated in 1992, they divorced in 1996, according to E! News. Princess Diana detailed her unhappiness with the royal family in a shocking tell-all called "Diana: Her True Story."

And yet, there must have been a few things the then-prince and princess agreed on, right? It turns out that there is one cuisine they often loved and shared at mealtimes. Spending meals together is no small thing, as Express estimates the average person eats 35 tons of food over their lifetime, which adds up to a lot of time spent at the dining table. However, The New York Times explains that sharing meals may not lead to a lifetime of marriage bliss, which certainly was not the case in King Charles and Princess Diana's marriage. 

Although King Charles and Princess Diana's union ended in divorce, we like to think that the ups and downs of the years they spent together were peppered with a few happy moments — while the couple enjoyed this type of food.

A mutual love of Italian food

King Charles is known for his love of food and he helped start an organic food company called Duchy Originals. In a typical day, he enjoys organic eggs, fruit, cereal, and pheasant pie, among other foods. There are, however, some foods he refuses to eat, which include chocolate, garlic, and cold biscuit cookies (warm are okay). He also normally doesn't eat anything at lunchtime, which makes dinner all the more special.

One of his favorite meals to eat with his family during his marriage to Princess Diana was Italian food. And according to Insider, Princess Diana, William, and Harry all enjoyed it as well. The boys loved Italian pizza, while the princess appreciated the simplicity and cleanliness of salads. "One of the things I noticed about the Prince of Wales is his love of Italian food," former royal chef Darren McGrady told Delish. "Whether it was wild mushroom risotto or polenta dishes — sort of healthy eating."

It turns out that both King Charles and Princess Diana had an interest in healthy eating. In an interview with Hello Magazine, McGrady revealed he switched out heavy sauces and creams for foods with less fat and carbs when he began cooking for the princess. "She would say, 'You take care of all the fats and I'll take care of all the carbs at the gym,'" McGrady said. 

From a food perspective, maybe the king and princess had more in common than we thought.