The Unexpected Reason 25% Of People Gift Alcohol, According To Drizly

"Happy Father's Day, dad — here's a 12-pack of your favorite IPA." "Congrats on the new job, pop the champagne!" "Happy Anniversary, honey. Look, it's the same Bordeaux from our wedding."

There are countless reasons to gift alcohol. (And, if you can't think of one, we'll help you come up with something.) Even though most folks have a preference between vodka and tequila, alcohol is largely a one-size-fits-all gift. It's always the right size, the right color, and nobody complains if they have it already. According to online alcohol retailer Drizly's 2022 Consumer Trend Report, 75% of survey respondents said they never worry about whether the person they're gifting alcohol to will like it.


Birthdays, holidays, and special occasions are all famously celebrated with a glass of something that keeps spirits up (pun intended). But, judging by Drizly's report, they might not be necessary anymore to give folks a reason to box up a bottle of bubbly.

People want to give, and they want to celebrate

According to Drizly, 25% of people gift alcohol "just because." From 2021 to 2022, Drizly reported a 66% increase in gift sales, accounting for 11% of all Drizly purchases. In fact, 38% of respondents said they would go as far as splurging on a premium spirit "just because" — and that's compared to just 57% who splurge for holidays and birthdays. 


Are people becoming more generous? Is gift-giving in general going up? Ariel Fridman of the University of California says "yes." Fridman conducted a study that concluded, as a whole, people's generosity measurably increased since the threat of the COVID-19 pandemic, via Nature. (It took us a while to get there — remember the Great Toilet Paper Hoard of 2020, per CNN? But, we made it, eventually.) 

In light of the pandemic, even your favorite cookie salespeople, Girl Scouts, advises parents, "celebrations are needed now more than ever to lift kids' spirits and give them hope for a brighter tomorrow." News flash: Adults are just big kids, and we need to celebrate, too. The Mental Health Foundation explains that, during quarantine, restrictions on gatherings created feelings of grief not dissimilar to the way a person experiences loss. Being unable to gather for so long has given new gravity to what it means to celebrate — and now, as we step into a post-pandemic world, folks are ready to party. "Just because" appears to be more than occasion enough to break out the spirits.


