The Absolute Best Way To Fix Dry Stuffing

Stuffing is a holiday superstar, second only to a beautifully basted bird. The ultimate crowd-pleaser, The New York Times reports that what makes stuffing so irresistible is that it's the perfect combination of starch, fat, and aromatics. However, if your stuffing is bone-dry, it can lead to a less than pleasant experience. Whether you opt for homemade or boxed stuffing, we've got you covered on the absolute best way to fix dry stuffing.

While its origins are murky, Arcadia Publishing explains that the first recorded recipes for stuffing appeared in an ancient Roman cookbook called Apicius de re Coquinaria and involved stuffing ingredients like spelt, vegetables, and herbs into all sorts of animals. Over the years, the dish has remained a beloved classic, even if the ingredients and cooking methods have since changed.

Although stuffing is meant to be stuffed, Cook's Illustrated explains that stuffing needs to be baked entirely to eliminate foodborne illnesses. This often means meat becomes overcooked, trying to reach an internal stuffing temperature of 165°F. This is why many stuffing recipes now advise cooking dressing in a separate pan. The only downfall of this method is the lack of moisture that comes from the turkey juices.

Broth is your best friend

The ideal stuffing texture varies based on preference. However, dressing that's suffering from dehydration is never welcomed. It's true that starting with the right type of bread (stale, dry loaves) can maximize the absorption of liquids, explains Foods Guy. But as stuffing bakes, moisture can also start to disappear, leading to a parched dressing. This is where broth comes in.

According to EatingWell, you can fix dry stuffing by adding 1 cup of broth for every 4 cups of stuffing mix, tossing gently to help the mix rehydrate. Bon Appétit also advises adding liquid in small doses, about ½ a cup at a time, and waiting for the bread to absorb the broth. This will prevent any broth from pooling at the bottom of your casserole dish.

If you want to veer away from broth, there are some other liquids you can also use to bring back moisture. Food Network suggests adding turkey drippings or a splash of cream, whereas Rachael Ray recommends drizzling melted butter and chicken stock over dry stuffing. Martha Stewart even supports experimenting with other liquids like wine!