How To Tell If Spinach Has Gone Bad

From Popeye's favorite food in a can to superfood found in health smoothies around the world, spinach seems to be one of the best things around for you and yours. Indeed spinach is incredibly healthy and packed with nutrients that a healthy body needs to function at its best, but that's only when the spinach is fresh.


As a leafy green vegetable, it is actually not too difficult to tell whether or not spinach has spoiled. Fresh spinach is a bright green color with crisp firm leaves and similarly firm stems. Anything aside from these characteristics and you may have to look, smell, and feel a bit closer to ensure the quality of your greens. If your spinach is wilting slightly, this is fine, but the spinach should be used quickly. If there is discoloration of the spinach or growths like mold appearing, then you should dispose of it. Similarly, a foul odor and slimy texture are signs of spoilage, per Cully's Kitchen.

How to prevent spoilage

Make sure that when you're buying spinach, you're looking for the healthy green color and the firm structure. Spoilage from even just one or two rotten or wilting leaves can spread to the rest of the spinach quickly, so you need to make sure to keep an eye out for those bad apples (or in this case — stems and leaves). According to MyRecipes, moisture is the primary culprit for spoilage, so spinach should be dried first and then stored in your refrigerator as soon as possible to preserve freshness.


If properly prepared and stored in an airtight container, spinach should last for about two weeks in your fridge; Any longer and you should just throw it out or check thoroughly for signs that it has gone bad. To make extra sure that your spinach is staying cool and dry, All Recipes recommends wrapping it in a paper towel and placing it in a storage container or bag that is sealed tightly and placed in a drawer of your fridge.

