The 20 Absolute Best Starbucks Iced Coffee Drinks, Ranked

Maybe you're the kind of person who only prefers iced coffee in the summer, or maybe you're the type who's still sipping in sub-zero temperatures. Whatever the case may be, if you're looking for an iced coffee drink at Starbucks, it can be difficult to know where to start. You can always begin with the basics, of course, like a plain iced coffee. When you make your way to this popular chain, you'll suddenly realize that there are so many iced coffee menu items to choose from. Basically, anything you would ever dream of putting in your coffee, you'll find at Starbucks. For the uninitiated, making a decision about what drink to get can be a challenge.


We wanted to make things easier for you, so we've compiled a list of some of our favorite Starbucks iced coffee drinks. Let's get one thing clear: All of these drinks are solid options, so you can't really go wrong with anything you choose unless there's a specific ingredient included that you know you don't like. That being said, some of these drinks are better than others, and it pays to know which ones are top-notch and which ones are just so-so. Let's take a closer look before you head out for your caffeine fix.

20. Iced Cinnamon Dolce Latte

We hate to put the Iced Cinnamon Dolce Latte in last place, but unfortunately, this is a strong list. If you're the kind of person who can never get enough cinnamon in their diet, then this ranking might seem unfair. However, if you're the type who likes cinnamon but doesn't want to be totally overwhelmed by it in every single sip, this drink is probably in the right place for you. The cinnamon flavor in this iced coffee is super strong, which can throw the drink slightly off-balance on some sips. On top of that, the cinnamon dolce syrup could be considered too sweet. With the standard drink boasting four pumps, there is a lot going on here. Still, it's a really tasty option for spice lovers.


Of course, you can always ask to have your drink without it, but the Iced Cinnamon Dolce Latte usually comes covered in a layer of whipped cream and cinnamon dolce sprinkles. For an iced coffee, that can be more chaos than you need when you're just trying to get your morning cup of joe. Still, the combination of flavors makes this one of the better drinks you can order at Starbucks, even if the Iced Cinnamon Dolce Latte isn't top of the list.

19. Iced Caramel Macchiato

Once upon a time, the Iced Caramel Macchiato was our go-to Starbucks drink of choice. Try to enjoy this coffee quencher more than once, and you'll likely come to the conclusion that it's a bit too sweet to have on a regular basis. It takes three pumps of vanilla syrup along with a massive drizzle of caramel sauce, which adds to the sugariness even more. The milk mellows it out a bit (especially if you choose whole milk, which we recommend). But alas, it's not enough to overcome the sugar high once you're at the bottom of your cup. For that reason, we had to put it higher on this list.


To top it off, you can also opt for whipped cream on top of your Iced Caramel Macchiato, which basically turns the drink into a dessert. If that's what you're looking for in your cup of coffee, then this order is your new home run. Though if you're looking for something to sip while getting your day started, we recommend continuing down the list. The Iced Caramel Macchiato is great for those who have a serious sweet tooth.

18. Iced Chocolate Almondmilk Shaken Espresso

In theory, the Iced Chocolate Almondmilk Shaken Espresso sounds incredible. And if you really, really like chocolate, then this may be the drink for you. However, if you're expecting this drink to taste like a normal coffee, you're way off. The main problem all comes down to the milk. Almond milk can be thin, watery, and lacking in the creaminess that you're probably looking for in coffee creamer. Otherwise, this drink comes with a chocolate malt powder that makes it taste full and rich. When combined with espresso, the flavor becomes something like adult chocolate milk.


Is this drink the absolute best of the bunch? Not exactly. We appreciate that it's not too sweet like many of the drinks on the Starbucks menu, and the extra punch of chocolate is delicious. At the same time, we wouldn't pick it over the many other options that balance their flavors even better. Chocolate lovers, this one's for you. The rest of us will find something else to take care of our caffeine needs.

17. Iced Sugar Cookie Almondmilk Latte

When you want a dessert in a drink format, you may assume that a Frappuccino is the way to go. It's true that Frappuccinos are the obvious dessert drink option at Starbucks. But if you're looking for something lighter and less overwhelming than a Frappuccino (which is basically just cream and ice blended together), the Iced Sugar Cookie Almondmilk Latte is probably what you should be checking out. The sugar cookie syrup that you'll find in this drink tastes, surprisingly, very much like a sugar cookie. It's sweet and even has a bit of a dough-like flavor to it. And frankly, it's great ... if you're looking for dessert.


Would we recommend the Iced Sugar Cookie Almondmilk Latte in place of every cup of coffee you're grabbing before work? Not really. It's sugary and tastes better as a sweet treat than a morning pick-me-up. But for those who are looking for something syrupy and satisfying, it's a solid option.

16. Iced White Chocolate Mocha

The White Chocolate Mocha at Starbucks is the stuff of legends. It's one of the most iconic drinks on the menu, and you've probably tried it at least a time or two. As much as we love the original, sometimes, you just don't want a hot coffee. If you're looking for a similar flavor profile on a scorching summer day, you have to go with the Iced White Chocolate Mocha. It's the same drink you love but in a cold format, and we couldn't have been more excited to try it out.


While this drink is a reliable mouthful of velvety sweetness, especially for those who love white chocolate, it's not our favorite cold Starbucks option of them all. It mainly comes down to the fact that the white chocolate doesn't hit the same way in iced form. It tastes icier and less creamy than the heated version. That can be okay — or even refreshing when it's scalding outside. Still, the iced version can't match the original for us. 

15. Iced Honey Almondmilk Flat White

Is the Iced Honey Almondmilk Flat White the very best of the menu in our opinion? It's definitely one of them. What keeps it from ranking higher mostly comes down to the milk: It's light and tastes kind of flavorless, almost like your coffee is just mixed with weird nut-flavored water. However, just because there's almond milk in the mix doesn't mean it's a bad drink, especially if this sort of creamer is your thing. The touch of honey is really nice, as it adds a sweetness to the drink that is more subtle than in many other Starbucks offerings. Plus, we love that Starbucks serves iced flat whites — they only have two varieties on the menu, so it feels like something special.


Basically, if you like both almond milk and espresso, there's a good chance that you're going to love this drink. If you prefer other types of non-dairy milk, though, there are even better options for you. Try it for yourself so you can decide whether or not this is the Starbucks special that will be your new favorite.

14. Iced Caffé Mocha

Who doesn't like chocolate in their coffee? It doesn't get much better than a mocha when you're looking for the perfectly balanced pairing of intense chocolate and coffee notes. If you've had this drink before, you know that it's most regularly served warm. But we love chocolate in all forms, and we're guessing you do too. So, if you're craving an iced version of this beverage, you have to order the Iced Caffé Mocha the next time you make your way to Starbucks. The fullness of the mocha syrup gives this drink a bit more complexity than your everyday iced coffee, and we love the richness the Iced Mocha offers.


That being said, Iced Caffé Mocha doesn't touch the top of our list because it's not very refreshing. As you can imagine, the earthy chocolate notes are quite heavy, which isn't necessarily what we're looking for in iced coffee (especially when it's a heater of a day). However, if you crave that deep, decadent flavor no matter what the mercury reads, this iced coffee selection can be what you're looking for. Just know that although it might not have a high temperature, the flavor is still pretty cozy.

13. Plain Iced Coffee

Sure, we love all the unique and exciting combinations that Starbucks comes up with. That doesn't mean we always want something wild or out of the ordinary. Sometimes, you just need to stick with the classics, and that's just what a Starbucks Iced Coffee will allow you to do. A Starbucks Nitro Cold Brew has 280 milligrams of caffeine per 16 fl oz., while only the Trenta-sized iced coffee comes close to that much caffeine per milligram. So, a smaller plain Iced Coffee from Starbucks isn't going to be quite as buzzy as a Nitro Cold Brew, but you can still expect this drink to pack plenty of punch. If you're looking for a good pick-me-up that won't be too overwhelming, this easy order is the way to go.


Starbucks Iced Coffee is smooth and creamy with just the right amount of bitterness. If you decide to order your coffee this way, you can customize it any way you choose. Add milk or creamer, or throw in a pack of sugar if you want a sweet edge. No matter how you decide to enjoy your Iced Coffee, it's an easy, simple choice when you can't decide what else on the menu to get.

12. Vanilla Sweet Cream Nitro Cold Brew

For all the caffeine lovers out there, it's no secret that nitro cold brew is the cream of the crop when it comes to drinks that will give you plenty of energy. Just a warning: Those who aren't used to caffeine may be a bit overwhelmed by the amount of it in any nitro cold brews found at Starbucks (or pretty much any coffee spot). Cold brew is more caffeinated than your average iced coffee, and nitro cold brew contains tiny bubbles of nitrogen, which produces a lovely foam on the top layer of your drink. Add in the Vanilla Sweet Cream Nitro Cold Brew, and it's clear why this drink is closer to the top of our list.


This drink is definitely sweet, which we don't totally love, but that sweetness is relatively well-balanced with the flavor of the cold brew. The creaminess and the nitrogen bubbles come together to create something special that you can't get at just any coffee shop. While there are other coffees (and other nitro cold brews) at Starbucks that we like more, this one is a great option for those who are new to the world of nitro cold brew. Give it a try if you want to expand your coffee horizons.

11. Iced Toasted Vanilla Oatmilk Shaken Espresso

A vanilla latte is such a quintessential coffee shop order that you may think it's hard to improve on it. There are reasons for something being a classic. If you think that the standard can't be lifted, it's because you've probably never had the Iced Toasted Vanilla Oatmilk Shaken Espresso from Starbucks. This isn't your average vanilla latte. The toasted vanilla syrup that gives the drink its complex flavor is a step up from your average vanilla syrup. It has a snug, earthy flavor that we can't help but warm to. Add in the creaminess of the oat milk and the bitter tilt of the espresso, and it's clear why this one is a great option. 


However, when we think of the absolute best drinks to come in iced form, this one still falls short. The flavor profile is warming, yes. Unfortunately, that makes it feel like it's something you would drink while wrapped in a blanket by the fire rather than in a beach towel sitting poolside with your caffeine fix. All things considered, sometimes you want a cold drink during the winter, and other times you want a beverage to make you feel cozy even on the hottest summer day. This drink fits the bill.

10. Iced Hazelnut Bianco Latte

If you're thirsting for something a little different, maybe a little more intriguing, consider placing an order for the Iced Hazelnut Bianco Latte. What makes this drink taste out of the ordinary is that the ingredient list includes hazelnut and praline-infused milk. The result is a nutty, slightly sweet drink with a complexity of flavors you won't find in many beverages. That nuttiness — combined with the intensity of Starbucks small-batch Reserve espresso — is a match made in coffee heaven. We love this drink because it's intensely smooth in texture and only mildly sweet, but it has a unique subtlety among the often sugary Starbucks selection. It looks like a plain latte, but upon the first sip, you'll realize that your tastebuds are getting a whole new experience. 


The Iced Hazelnut Bianco is an excellent option if you want to change up your regular Starbucks order, but you're not fond of the more elaborately sweetened, overly complicated drinks on the menu. If you have a strong sweet tooth, you'll probably notice the candied praline notes in the syrup more prominently. For the rest of us, the hazelnut is what makes this something new to love at Starbucks.

9. Iced Flat White

It's the age-old question: What, exactly, is a flat white anyway? At first glance, it seems no different than a latte or a cappuccino, as it involves steamed milk and shots of espresso. As Perfect Daily Grind points out, it does have its differences. Unlike a cappuccino, flat white doesn't have quite as much foam. And, dissimilar to a latte, this style is heavy on the espresso and light on the milk. Flat whites are a drier, delicious choice of steamed beverage, and for that reason, it's a drink you can order from most coffee shop menus these days. However, most of the time that you order a traditional flat white, it is being served as a hot drink. Luckily for all the strong coffee lovers out there, Starbucks now offers an Iced Flat White as well.


We love that Starbucks takes the modern-day classic, tosses it over cold cubes, and makes it appropriate for even the year's hottest months. It's simple, it's easy, and it's pretty much bound to be good, especially if you already like the taste and texture of flat whites. While it may not be anything wildly unusual, it is a solid order when you can't choose, especially so if the beverage is already your standard.

8. Iced Blonde Vanilla Latte

If you're not a huge fan of super intense coffee, there are loads of menu items to try that fall on the lighter side. In that case, an Iced Blonde Vanilla Latte is your new best bet at Starbucks. The vanilla roast itself doesn't have a super drastic taste, so instead of bitter coffee, a decadent silkiness comes to the forefront. Of course, as with any Starbucks drink, you can choose the kind of milk you want in your coffee. That will certainly affect the profile of your iced latte. If you're looking for the smoothest possible combination, whole milk is the way to go, but it will add that saltiness that dairy is known for. In our opinion, oat milk is a great textural alternative, especially if you're looking to cut down on animal products.


Just a warning: This drink (like many at Starbucks) can be really sweet. For some people, that's going to be perfect, especially when it's rolled up in complements of full creaminess. But for others, the sugariness won't be as enjoyable. If you fall into the latter camp, know that you can always ask for yours with no added sweetener. It still has all the lushness you love, just without triggering a sensitive tooth.

7. Iced Pistachio Latte

It's not every day you get to try an Iced Pistachio Latte, and that's why we're so thrilled to see it on the menu at Starbucks. It's something different, which makes it exciting. Considering that it's somewhat less sweet than most of the other flavored menu options at Starbucks, it's a clear winner in our books. Order this drink, and you're going to get a heavy pour of Starbucks coffee complemented with four pumps of pistachio sauce. Keep in mind that even though this sauce isn't as sweet as some of the syrups on the lineup, it still adds a touch of flavor to your drink — just don't be surprised if you taste some sugar when you get that first sip.


We also really love the salted brown butter topping you'll get with the iced pistachio latte. You can leave it off if you want — it's up to you. Still, we think that the mingling of sweetness and richness from the brown butter plays exceptionally well with the healthy dose of salt you'll find in the topping. When it all comes together with a splash of milk, you may find that this is one of your new favorite drinks at Starbucks.

6. Irish Cream Cold Brew

Here's another menu item you'll see at Starbucks but probably nowhere else: Irish Cream Cold Brew. We have to admit that we weren't sure how to feel about this one at first. After giving it a few sips, we think it's safe to say that it's a fantastic coffee drink, just indulgent enough without being over-the-top sugary. It all starts with Starbucks cold brew. This cold brew is loved because it lacks the acidity you find in most cold coffees. Instead, you'll get a slight touch of sweetness that comes not from sugar but from how the coffee is made. It also contains plenty of caffeine, so it's going to get you up and going in no time at all.


The Irish Cream is where the magic really happens, though. You'll get two pumps of Irish Cream syrup (unless you ask for more or less, of course). That syrup gives you the right amount of sweetness, but mostly lots of richness — the cream is wonderfully thick, guaranteeing you'll enjoy every sip. Then, the foam on top adds even more appeal. Drink it without a lid on, and you'll pull away from the cup with a mustache made of cream. Can it be messy? Kind of. But is that mess totally worth it? In our book, yes, it is.

5. Cold Brew

We already covered why we love the plain iced coffee from Starbucks, so it should come as no surprise that another classic, Starbucks plain Cold Brew, is also one of our favorites. This is for those who want a plain coffee with an extra dose of caffeine in each sip. The Cold Brew at Starbucks is strong, for sure. Healthline reports that a 16-ounce cup of Starbucks Cold Brew has 205 milligrams of caffeine in it. This is not the order you should place if you're trying to watch your caffeine intake. Caffeine content isn't the only thing that makes it stand apart from the rest. There's also the slight sweetness that cold brew offers that we absolutely can't get enough of.


Like the iced coffee, Starbucks Cold Brew is as customizable as drinks come. Add some cream or milk if you want your beverage to be richer, or put in a pinch of sugar if you like it to be on the sweeter side. You can even do both if you want things to get really wild. No matter how you prefer your cold brew, you can pretty much guarantee that you're getting your morning off to a great start when you choose this drink.

4. Iced Dark Chocolate Mocha

If you're searching for the richest of all the iced drinks available to you at the Starbucks counter, then you absolutely have to try the Iced Dark Chocolate Mocha. While the coffee doesn't exactly come to the forefront with this drink, we're totally okay with it because the dark chocolate notes are such an indulgent treat. The chocolate flavor is very luxurious, yet the drink isn't drowning in any sort of sweetness. Instead, the espresso in this drink merges with both cocoa and ground chocolate in every sip, which means you're not going to miss out on a single drop of balanced bittersweetness.


This drink comes with whole milk by default, and that's how we prefer it: Lighter milk, like almond milk, do not play well with the intensity of the other flavors. However, oat milk has the body to be a stand-up alternative if you need to keep things dairy-free. No matter what your normal coffee order is, if you're a chocolate lover, this is one drink from Starbucks you're most definitely going to want to check out.

3. Iced Brown Sugar Oatmilk Shaken Espresso

If you've gotten in on the oat milk craze (as it seems like everyone else has), then you know the Iced Brown Sugar Oatmilk Shaken Espresso is probably for you. Oat milk has a lovely, creamy texture that's very similar to whole milk. Yet it also has a slightly grainy flavor that adds some depth and natural sweetness to the drink. That flavor and texture works very well with coffee and especially espresso, just like you'll find in this drink.


The Iced Brown Sugar Oatmilk Shaken Espresso also contains four pumps of brown sugar syrup. If that seems like a lot, you can always ask for less, especially if you prefer a more balanced drink. No matter if you go for a lot or a little, the syrup adds the perfect touch of sweetness to your coffee. This beverage, just like the Iced Cinnamon Dolce Latte, does contain cinnamon, though you'll be happy to discover that it isn't too heavy here. You can relax and sip away on your drink without getting too much spice in one gulp.

2. Nitro Cold Brew

What if you love nitro cold brew but can't stand a ton of added flavors and ingredients in your coffee? How about if you crave that lovely foam on top of your drink without wanting to deal with all the extras? In that case, it's time to turn to Starbucks Nitro Cold Brew. It's super strong in order to deliver the dose of caffeine you need to get your day started (or to keep it going), only you're not going to be confronted with the strong bitterness you might find in other basic beverages. Instead, you'll get a lovely, light sweetness that comes naturally from the coffee. It really is fantastic.


And what about when you add in those nitrogen bubbles? This drink is suddenly taken to a whole new level. The nitrogen adds a cream-like layer on the top of your coffee that makes the first few sips taste like all your java dreams come true. It's one of our absolute favorite drinks at Starbucks, and it's a super simple one at that. Of course, just like any of the other offerings on this list that are on the plainer side, you can customize your Nitro Cold Brew to include other additions that sound good.

1. Salted Caramel Cream Cold Brew

If you haven't noticed, overly sweet drinks don't have a lot of fans around here. But, there are some exceptions (especially when you add salt to the mix). The contrast gets you a fantastic combo of flavors that will keep you coming back for more. It's exactly what you can expect from the Salted Caramel Cold Brew you'll encounter on your next trip into a Starbucks. The vanilla syrup adds the right amount of flavor and a touch of sugariness (without being too much). Then, the salted caramel cream cold foam turns this drink from just "blah" into an out-of-this-world taste. Make no mistake: The stuff is salty, so it's probably a good idea to stir it into the rest of your drink after your first swig or two.


This drink's different components come together in a symphony of flavors that's perfect for any morning or afternoon jump start. Especially when you want something that will give you energy along with a little bit of indulgence.

