IPA Beer Nut Butter: Nutista
Peanuts are plain. At least with the rise of alternative options from Cadbury Creme Egg cashew spread to Teddy Grahams-like granola butter, that's what the consensus seems to be.
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Behold, the latest goodness to slather between two slices of bread: IPA beer-flavored nut butter. According to Food & Wine, Nutista's new Tangerine Express IPA is the brainchild of cofounder Greg Koch, who also cofounded California's Stone Brewing.
Based on the brewery's same-name beer, Nutista's latest product flavors stone-ground almonds and roast peanuts with brewer's yeast, golden light dry malt, tangerine and pineapple, and is actually the second beer-and-nut butter collaboration. The company initially released a dark Totalitarian Imperial Russian Stout nut spread that can also be found on its website or in its California stores.