In-N-Out Is Heading To Colorado
We're one step closer to our fantasy of having In-N-Out Burger locations coast to coast—and this time, it's not a cruel prank. The cult-favorite, California-based chain has announced that Colorado will be the next lucky state to be graced with the restaurant's famed burgers.
According to the Orange County Register, In-N-Out isn't just dipping its toes in either: The company will first open a distribution center that will produce burger patties and other ingredients that would allow it to open as many as 50 locations throughout the state.
"Because we are still in the early development phase, we don't yet have a timeline for the construction," Carl Arena, spokesman for the company tells the Register. Victory Ridge will be the first city where you can stop by for a Double-Double, while Denver will soon follow. In-N-Out has been notoriously selective about where it expands, so here's to hoping Animal Fries will make their way to the Eastern Seaboard within our lifetime.