Best-Selling Pint Of Ice Cream In America

Sorry, Häagen-Dazs and Ben & Jerry's

Whether it's for your Netflix binge session or you're just trying to cool down in the summer heat, we all have our go-to pint of ice cream. For quite some time, cult favorites such as Ben & Jerry's and Häagen-Dazs ruled the ice cream world; however, a new brand has stolen the number one spot.


Halo Top Creamery is now the best-selling pint of ice cream in America. The company first launched its low-calorie ice cream in 2012, and since then, it has been climbing its way to the top. The product is perfect for those who want to indulge but are looking for a lower-calorie alternative.

"The reason we've taken the number one spot is simple: We have amazing fans. We are eternally grateful to them for even allowing us to exist, let alone thrive," CEO and founder Justin Woolverton says in a release. "Our promise to our fans is to maintain the quality they expect from Halo Top and, of course, to bring them some exciting new things in the near future."

Fans can choose from 17 flavors, including s'mores, birthday cake and classic vanilla. Since each pint contains between 240 and 360 calories, with 20 grams of protein, people don't have to feel guilty if they eat the whole thing.


