The Best Of Williams-Sonoma's Spring Catalog

Nothing says love like guaranteeing a future of properly chilled rosé

Whenever life gets complicated, I find comfort in the Williams-Sonoma catalog. It pictures a lifestyle where every day has the ease of a sunny Saturday, where the only thing you'll need to decide is what to have for dinner. From Aerin Lauder's breezy, blue-and-white tabletop collection to a slew of accessories for the home entertainer, May's catalog is filled with trinkets your affluent aunt would buy—you know, the one who gave you your first glass of wine, the one who encouraged you to take a gap year to "find yourself." Below, the best six items to consider as wedding season hits full swing.


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① Aerin Ginger Jar Champagne Bucket ($160)

If you need something that says, "Come over; we're having a clambake to open my summer place," this bucket is for you. It's casual in the way tight white jeans are casual; nonetheless, I'd happily use this to chill my (extremely casual) $15 Trader Joe's Prosecco.


② Aerin Sea Blue Floral Salad Plates ($52 for four)

Blue and white never looks old; blue and white always looks kind of expensive. You could serve a ham sandwich on one of these plates, and it would look as if it came from Ina Garten, herself the ultimate affluent aunt. Add a pickle from the local gourmet-ish deli, and I'd ask you when Jeffrey was due to arrive.


③ Marble & Dark Wood Cheese Stand ($50) with Bell Cloche ($40)

Nothing underscores your aspirations in life more than your collection of cheese plates. I'm partial to the one topped with a cloche, which is what Auntie would give you while musing about kitchen islands. It indicates that luxury of having so many cheeses you could stack them into a still life.


④  Wine Chilling Wands ($40 for two)

I like the idea of having an intense and immediate need to chill wine 20 times faster than your fridge can—a wine emergency, if you will. It's also as politely passive-aggressive as it useful, as if your aunt is signalizing that you've got a lot to learn about serving rosé at the proper temperature.


⑤ Breville Smart Scoop Ice Cream Compressor ($400)

A good host always feels that everything from bagna cauda to cocktails should be homemade, and Williams-Sonoma innately understands this. Hence, this countertop ice cream maker, which comes with 12 settings and all manner of paraphernalia. It's easy to daydream about effortlessly producing a batch of super-soft ice cream and serving it in a charming old-fashioned dish. "Magnifique!" Affluent Aunt exclaims.


⑥ Azure Blue Dutch Oven from Le Creuset (Various Prices)

The older you get, the more Le Creuset becomes your Pokémon: You really want them all. The company has responded by releasing more and more colors in a range of finishes, including a new matte white or the deep azure, which both pair marvelously with your imaginary La Cornue enamel range.


Brie Dyas is a contributing writer for Tasting Table and an avid collector of your grandmother's fine china. You can find her occasionally sharing photos on Instagram at @briedyas.

