New York's Carnegie Deli Will Close This Year
Get your sky-high pastrami sandwiches while you still can. NYC's famous Carnegie Deli will close at the end of 2016, the New York Post reports. The almost-80-year-old institution will close its doors on December 31, the Post says. It will be a sad day for New Yorkers everywhere.
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Carnegie Deli opened in 1937, and has been feeding pastrami and corned beef to hungry locals and tourists alike since. The restaurant had to shut down temporarily last year after it was caught siphoning gas, but it reopened to much fanfare in February. Now it looks like it'll close down for good.
A dark day for NYC (and the world)
— Adam Platt (@plattypants) September 30, 2016
"I'm very sad to close the Carnegie Deli, but I've reached the time of my life when I need to take a step back," Marian Harper Levine told his employees in a letter this morning.
Seventh Avenue, and indeed the whole city, will never be the same.