Wine For Dogs Is Now Available

It's no secret pet owners are inseparable from their four-legged friends: They eat together, exercise together and probably sleep in bed together. Now they can have a drink together, too, thanks to Denver, Colorado-based company Apollo Peak.

The company first introduced wine for cats, like Pinot Meow and MosCATo, earlier this year. But, of course, the company didn't want to leave out our other furry friends, sparking the addition of ZinFanTail and CharDOGNay for dogs. 

We know what you're thinking: animals are not to suppose to have alcohol. That's why all of the wines are alcohol free and are designed as a "safe alternative to feeding them 'your' real wine."

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Wine isn't the only market companies are jumping into when it comes to pets. British company Woof & Brew, which makes teas and biscuits for dogs, has also brewed up Bottom Sniffer beer. Just like the wine, the product does not contain actual alcohol.

Here's to enjoying a "glass" of wine with your pooch after a tough day.