Beijing's S&M Restaurant Serves Seafood And Kink

Dinner comes with a side of S&M at this Beijing restaurant

Would you like a side of kink with your dinner? A restaurant in Beijing is offering just that, Reuters reports. The seafood-focused menu is made up of dishes titled "Horny" and "Sensuous World." Drinks come in breast- and penis-shaped glasses (actually, a lot of the glassware is bosom-shaped—more on that here), waitresses wear fake nudey aprons and sex dolls dressed in bondage gear adorn the room. But all of that is tame in comparison to what owner Lu Lu hopes to add to the project. Namely, diners would be able to whip the servers, and female diners would get to be handcuffed and fed by their male dining companions (hopefully, submissive men can also get in on the action one day).


In a society like China, where there's still no sex-ed in schools and where the government tightly controls sexual content online, a restaurant like this seems a bit out of bounds. But Lu says she hasn't had much of an issue with the police. They did close the place for two weeks after diners were invited to touch a performer's breasts (over her clothes), but other than that, there hasn't been an issue.

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Meanwhile, the immense popularity of London's forthcoming "naked restaurant" has prompted a team Down Under to open their own naked dining room.

As Lu tells Reuters, "'Food and sex are the basic desires of humans,' and the phrase has not changed in more than 5,000 years."


For all those who want to take their clothes off and enjoy a meal, a word of caution: Don't order soup.

