Our Favorite Food Stories From The Week

This week, our favorite articles focused on some basic necessities: olive oil, caffeine, mustard and grains (or really, pizza). They also reminded us to look beyond face value and stay curious, whether it's finding the hidden stories in one's Instagram feed or the roots of one's old neighborhood. Here are seven reads we hope you enjoy as much as we did.

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The New York Times reveals the power of food as a means of holding onto family heritage, far away though the family may be, through the simple act of replenishing a bottle of olive oil.

NPR introduces us to the term crude caffeine when it asks what happens to all of the caffeine from decaf coffee, then follows the trail.

On Vice's Munchies, Pam Yung makes us hungry in a story about her pizza pop-up. The pastry chef behind Semilla in New York City also sheds light on the common misperception people hold about the term ancient grains. "It's not just about using an 'ancient grain,' it's also about the way you use them."

Francis Lam takes our breath away with a personal essay about rediscovering his former neighborhood of Greenpoint, Brooklyn, from the inside out.

Punch investigates what the world of "flair bartenders" looks like today in a post-Cocktail (as in the 1988 Tom Cruise movie) era. Have we entered the age of "micro-flair?"

The Atlantic reveals that Instagram can be used for more than just bragging in a story comparing Instagrams from food deserts to those from non-food desserts.

Finally, in Lucky Peach, Peter Meehan persuades us that mustard is the best condiment. Put simply, "It is alpha and omega, sun and moon."

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