February Editor's Note: Food + Tech Month

When push comes to shove, cooking is elemental: Apply heat to an ingredient, and it changes. Cool something down, and it morphs. Even the essential toolsknives, spoons, pots, fire—are rudimentary.

But that doesn't mean that ever since the first human held a piece of meat over a flame that innovation and technology haven't played a role in shaping the way we eat. It's most true today, as restaurants embrace social media and chefs look for new techniques and gadgets to make their cooking more efficient and more interesting. And at a more basic level, technology has even impacted the way our food is grown in spectacular ways. So this month, we're diving headfirst into the intersection of food and tech.

As a digital-only publication, technology is something we've always embraced here at Tasting Table—even more so in the past few months as we've launched our DINE restaurant app and started publishing our videos on Apple TV. So we're excited to explore everything from how Instagram is changing the way restaurants are designed to how front-of-house managers are using data from digital sources to track their customers (especially their jerky ones). We'll take you into the restaurant kitchen of 3030, as imagined by today's most cutting-edge industrial designers.

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On a more personal level, we'll bring you the best food and drink apps, and we'll curate the most informative and entertaining podcasts you should be listening to. We'll even show you the magic you can work in that kitchen breakthrough of yesteryear: the microwave.

Geek out with us all month as we explore what's new and what's next in the world of culinary innovation. What the tech? It'll be fun.