How To Make The Best Tater Tot Nachos

Remember when you'd walk into your school cafeteria to the smell of tater tots and you knew it was going to be a great lunch? Those were the days. Alas, back then a golden tot didn't need much more than a swift dip in ketchup to be the best thing you've eaten in your entire short life.

Fast-forward to now. You're old. Tots still rule, sure, but they need more than ketchup to justify you waiting 30 minutes for them to brown in the oven. So allow us to present totchos: tater tot nachos.

Spread 1 bag of frozen tater tots onto a baking sheet or large skillet, and bake at 350° for 25 to 30 minutes. Prep the toppings while the tater tots are toasting. We went with a combination of chopped dried chorizo, a mix of shredded mozzarella and cheddar cheeses, pickled jalapeños, diced red onion, chunks of avocado and a sprinkle of cilantro. With nachos, you can't go wrong with any combination of meat, cheese and vegetables, so feel free to change the flavors, amounts or toppings to your taste.

Once the tots are done baking, remove them from the oven and top with only the chorizo and cheese. Put the tots back into the oven and bake until the cheese has melted, 10 to 15 minutes.

Remove from the oven, add the rest of the toppings and dig in. Soon you'll feel these magical totchos bestow upon you a youthful glow, aka tot-induced happiness.

Get more nachos recipes:
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