New Years Day Brunch Recipes

It may not seem so at first, but deciding on what to eat for breakfast tomorrow is important. It's the first meal you'll eat in the new year, so you want to make it good. We're thinking a virtuous green smoothie, a less virtuous (but completely necessary) bowl of chilaquiles and a slice of just-sweet-enough coffee cake all sound like an auspicious start to the New Year.

① Drink: Green Morning Smoothie
You'll have enough alcohol tonight, so greet the year with a smoothie that's made of 60 percent refreshing, verdant ingredients (the other 40 is still just as healthy). There's no fancy juicer required, and you can sweeten it to your heart's content with a squeeze of honey or chunks of frozen banana.

RELATED   A Rainbow of Juice Recipes "

② Main Course: Chorizo Chilaquiles
There's no need to jump into that cleanse too quickly—we have the whole month of January for that. Besides, we hear spicy food helps cure a hangover.

③ Dessert: Poppy Seed, Prune and Lemon Coffee Cake
Ever since this streusel-topped delight graced our Test Kitchen over a year ago, we haven't stopped dreaming about it. Timeless and delicious, it deserves a spot on the year's first table setting.