Two-Ingredient No-Bake Chocolate Truffles

You're only 20 minutes away from a tray of homemade chocolate truffles—using nothing but two pantry staples. So let's get rolling.

All you need is one bag of Oreo® cookies and one eight-ounce package of softened cream cheese. Crush the cookies, filling and all, in a food processor to make fine crumbs (or do it by hand with a plastic bag and rolling pin). Take out and reserve one cup of crumbs—you'll need them later—and simply mix in the cream cheese until a gooey dough forms. You could use a spoon, but this works best by rolling up your sleeves and diving hands-first into the bowl of creamy chocolate goodness.

Once it's mixed, tear off small bits of the dough and roll them into one-inch balls; you'll get about 30. Roll or toss them in the leftover cookie crumbs, then pop them into the refrigerator for 15 minutes or so to harden and you're done.

Now all you have to do is pour a tall glass of milk and get your bonbon on.

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