Join Tasting Table To Help Stephen Canon Giraldo
Here at Tasting Table, we are frequently asked to donate to worthy causes.
We pitch in as much as possible, but this particular one left us gasping at our desks, so we wanted to do something extra-special.
Randolph Beer holds a special place in Team Tasting Table's hearts (and stomachs). We consider it our office watering hole: It's where we go when we need to decompress over a damn fine burger, and a pint to match.
On May 12, the sous chef at Randolph Beer, 23-year-old Stephen Canon Giraldo, was found under the Williamsburg Bridge, unconscious and suffering from a traumatic skull fracture. Authorities believe he was assaulted, mugged and severely beaten. At the time, he was on his way home after working a late shift.
Currently, Stephen is at Bellevue Hospital, unable to feel or move the right side of his body. There is a chance that Stephen may never again be able to walk, work, or experience life in the same way.
To help Stephen address his mounting financial needs, we are raffling off a six-course dinner for 12 people at our Test Kitchen & Dining Room in Soho to anyone donating $25 or more to the cause. The winner will work with our executive chef to design the menu of his or her dreams; in other words, it's a dinner party of epic proportions.
Please do whatever you can. Every little bit helps.