Jersey City Is The New Foodie Destination | NYC
Three very good reasons to take the PATH train
We have a new food destination for you: Jersey City.
No joke. There is a miniature food movement afoot in downtown Jersey City, anchored by the stylish cuisine of the brand-new restaurant Thirty Acres. So take a quick-fire ride on the PATH or hop in a car.
First, Buy Wine: Jersey Wine Merchants has made fast friends with its neighbor. Thirty Acres' menu is shellacked to the counter so customers can make easy pairing picks such as the food-happy German Gilabert Vinos de Terruños Cava Brut Reserva ($11 for 750 ml).
Then, Eat Dinner: Helmed by former Williamsburg resident Kevin Pemoulie Thirty Acres has stunning food in a neighborly space. Go on an ordering spree: Stuffed potato skins are born again as duck-fat-saturated fingerlings with bacon, crème fraîche and chives ($9; click here for the recipe); spring vegetables are brightened with Old Bay ($8) and Benton's ham is shaved over raw scallops dressed with Cholula hot sauce ($9). And, as a bonus, the tab for an evening of copious eating will be shockingly low.
Finally, Get a Second Dessert: If Kevin's mom's lemon bars ($4) are not sugary enough, stop at the newly reopened Torico's Premium Homemade Ice Cream for a scoop of avocado ice cream or a vanilla malt.