The Market On Holly | Pasadena, Los Angeles

A Sunday meal and pantry provisions from Pasadena

Sunday is our day of rest.

By which we mean our time is spent shopping at farmers' markets and leisurely drinking coffee.

This routine usually involves a visit to Proof Bakery and the Atwater Village Farmers' Market, but we've discovered a new, one-stop alternative at Pasadena's The Market on Holly.


The market offers a fine selection of pantry goods, including wonderful pastas and semolina flour from Vero Lucano. But what has entrenched The Market on Holly in the community has been its CSA service and the month-old Sunday brunch.

Brunch dishes are deceivingly simple, but when the brioche is browned right, the yolk of the over-easy egg warmed through but still runny, the arugula barely wilted and the prosciutto thinly sliced, there's nothing else an open-faced breakfast sandwich ($11) needs.

The counter-service operation cures its own gravlax with vodka and citrus ($10), and bakes a lofty frittata (pictured; $6) peppered with gooey pockets of goat cheese. On the sweet end, the Coconut Chai Porridge–a spiced gruel of oats, quinoa and barley cooked in coconut milk–reads like a overly hippie-fied breakfast. But it was a surprisingly satisfying take on hot cereal.


The Market on Holly, 57 E. Holly St., Pasadena; 626-844-8811 or

