Fresh Hops Beer Plus Poutine Plus Butter Plus Sweetango Apples Plus Fever Tree Ginger Beer

Reengage in September's exciting flavors

September is a month of rejuvenation. After Labor Day, a fresh cycle kicks into gear, with the football season, new reasons to watch TV again and a second chance to start a new year.

The food world is no exception. Historically a time of harvest, September ushers in a fresh set of ingredients, cooking techniques and flavors. Below, we've compiled what's gotten us most excited this month:


• To beer makers (and us fanatics), September means one thing: the hops harvest. Regular production grinds to a brief halt so brewers can make these limited edition, fresh-hopped beers.

• We're used to importing culinary trends from overseas, but this one is from right across the border. America has embraced the Canadian staple poutine, and adventurous chefs across our country are making it all their own.

• The perfect pie is within your grasp: You'll do Mom justice by making a crust with these superior butters from the country's top artisanal creameries. And the Sweetango–a new apple variety from the creators of the Honeycrisp–is the talk of the orchard and the perfect star for your culinary craftsmanship.


• Cult mixer company Fever Tree has created the ideal antidote to flimsy cocktails; its potent new ginger beer packs a wallop of flavor, but still plays well with others–especially in a Dark and Stormy.

