Signs It's Time To Throw Out Expired Coconut Oil

Coconut oil is one of those pantry staples that seem to never go bad. In fact, it actually can stay good for long stretches of time thanks to the high concentration of saturated fat coconut oil contains, according to Kitchen Ambition. But that doesn't mean it can't spoil. And, the concept is especially true if the coconut oil has not been stored properly.


While liquid coconut oil should be kept in a cool place without exposure to light just like olive oil, solid coconut oil can also be stored in the fridge. Heat, light, and air all contribute to the degradation of coconut oil. Even if it is stored well, coconut oil can still spoil if it is not used within its shelf life. But you might not even need to know the signs that coconut oil has spoiled to be able to recognize that the cooking oil has gone bad. 

Scroll on to find out how you can tell if your product has turned.

Expired coconut oil will have a yellow tint

Just like milk that has spoiled, you can look for many of the same indicators that coconut oil has gone bad, according to Street Smart Kitchen. But the signs that it's time to toss your coconut oil can be broken down into three categories: Appearance, smell and taste. The first way you should evaluate your coconut oil is by its appearance. Not only will you hopefully be able to tell from the look and color of it, but if so, it will also spare your nose and tongue from what could be an unpleasant experience if the oil has expired. 


If the coconut oil you have on hand looks like it has changed from its creamy white color into another unusual shade, chances are it has gone bad. A yellowish color, marbled appearance, and black or moldy-looking spots are all bad signs for coconut oil. If it also looks like it is no longer smooth, but rather bumpy or grainy in texture, that's another indication that it's time to throw your coconut oil away.

Use your sense of smell to determine if coconut oil has expired

Using your nose is another excellent way to determine if coconut oil has expired. When coconut oil is good and hasn't passed its prime, the white, creamy-looking substance should have very little scent. If anything, you should perhaps smell a touch of coconut, but even that shouldn't be overpowering. So if you take the lid off of your jar of coconut oil and are overwhelmed by the scent, it might be time to toss it.


Coconut oil that is definitely passed its expiration date will have a distinctly bitter or sour smell that indicates the cooking oil has expired, according to Street Smart Kitchen. Depending on just how bad the coconut oil has gone, the smell should be increasingly strong. Hopefully you will be able to see and mildly smell the signs of expired coconut oil. But if not, there's always the chance to give it a small taste to be sure. 

Expired coconut oil will taste like this

Hopefully you won't have to taste it, but if you really have to resort to this method, then the coconut oil will have a very distinct flavor. While coconut oil should typically have a rather neutral to somewhat mild coconut taste, expired containers will have a more noticeable flavor. According to Street Smart Kitchen, when coconut oil tastes sour, that means it has gone bad as well. It's a fairly easy flavor to search for, so if the coconut oil doesn't have an off-putting flavor, it's likely okay to use. 


Be sure to use your coconut oil regularly to prevent it going to waste and always store it well. Remember to use a clean utensil to get coconut oil from the container to prevent bacteria from causing mold to appear and to keep the oil from going bad faster (via Kitchen Ambition). But with these signs and tips, your coconut oil should remain useful and good for a long time. 

