Why It Is Easier To Find A Good, Cheap Bottle Of White Wine Than Red

There are times when splurging on a bottle of wine is justified. But, for occasions that aren't celebratory, sticking with something cost-effective is more than acceptable. In the pursuit of finding an affordable yet great bottle of wine, however, you might have noticed something peculiar — white wines tend to be less expensive. Whether you're perusing the selections at a supermarket or a specialty wine shop, it's almost always easier to find a good bottle of white wine for cheaper than a red. The question is — why?

Numerous factors can impact the final cost of wine. While managing a vineyard can significantly contribute to the cost, it's ultimately the techniques employed during winemaking that account for the biggest difference in red versus white wine – especially concerning price point. Despite the fact that both are made in a similar way, producing white wine is often a much shorter process than that of producing red wine, which, instead, involves a lengthier series of steps. Thus, the price can take a toll.

Since many white wines tend to be made in a fresh and ready-to-drink style, they also don't spend much (if any) time in oak, nor do they undergo long periods of time developing in a cellar. In the absence of these time-consuming and labor-intensive practices, white wines can be more favorably priced because they free up equipment and space at the winery, unlike most reds. Of course, the efficiency associated with white winemaking doesn't mean inferior quality by any stretch.

Lower costs don't always correlate to reduced quality

Although bottles of red wine tend to be more frequently adorned with annotations claiming prestige, bottles of white can boast just as high of a reputation. In fact, some white wines carry more status (and a heftier price tag!) due to their appellation — we're looking at you, Champagne. But, while elevated prices can reflect better quality, cheaper bottles shouldn't be shunned.

Seeking out a bottle of wine that's both affordable and delicious is totally doable. Despite that an array of crisp and fruity white wines can offer excellent value, it's not necessary to limit yourself. Instead, finding a budget-friendly bottle is simply a matter of opting for wines from up-and-coming regions. For instance, swapping a French Bordeaux blend for a lesser-known Chilean equivalent could be a pleasantly cost-effective surprise. Alternatively, explore white wine types that lack international recognition for a wonderfully inexpensive find. Starting to sound overwhelming? Stop by your local wine shop and leave it in the hands of a seasoned sommelier.

Last but not least, don't knock canned or boxed wine before you try it. Albeit unconventional, many reputable winemakers have now adopted these lightweight packaging styles in an effort to keep costs down. Otherwise, if you're a traditionalist, consider buying bottles in bulk for a better deal. Regardless of whether you're shopping for red or white wine, remember that a good bottle doesn't need to break the bank, nor should it with these helpful tips!