How Many Slices Do You Get In A Typical Loaf Of Bread?

You've walked by the shelves full of plastic sheathed sandwich loaves many times, perhaps hunting for your favorite brand among the dozens of varieties. White, wheat, rye, seeded, and now keto and gluten-free — the relatively standard size and shape of sandwich bread is a nostalgic throwback for some people who've moved on to crusty, round artisan loaves. But nothing makes a more satisfying classic sandwich than the typical sliced loaf. If you've ever wondered how many slices are inside the bag, you might be surprised at the huge variation, despite the relatively similar packaging size.

A quick survey of popular brands shows there could be anywhere from 16 to 26 slices in a loaf. The two factors driving the number of slices are, of course, the length of the loaf and the thickness of each slice. The weight of most sandwich bread packages only varies by a few ounces, from a high of 27 ounces for a seedy, wholemeal loaf to literally light 20 ounce white loaf. But some loaves are slightly wider or taller, making a shorter loaf with fewer slices.

It's hard to be better than sliced bread

When you've got guests or need to make a large batch of sandwiches for a party, knowing the number of slices per loaf helps you purchase the right amount of bread, and the easiest calculation is right on the bread package. Just check the nutrition facts rectangle, which will tell you the serving size and number of servings in the container. Some bread brands use two slices as a serving, and others just one, but either way, it's pretty simple.

In the US, bread slices are roughly half an inch thick, which has to do with the standardization of machinery sold in the industry. The first bread slicing machine invented used that thickness, and it's been the norm since the conveniently pre-sliced loaves first debuted to rave reviews in the early 1930s. Just as today, sliced bread was a time saver, making it easy to get toast and sandwiches ready without needing a knife and cutting board. There are thinner, calorie-conscious slices in many brands, and double thick Texas toast, but no matter how you slice it, a loaf of sandwich bread is a remarkably handy purchase.