The Reason NYC Restaurants Can't Actually Receive An F Grade

Anyone who has eaten out in the Big Apple has likely noticed the different letter grades prominently displayed outside restaurants. These grades, ranging from A to C, are familiar sights to city dwellers. However, have you ever wondered why you've never seen an F grade? The reason lies within the city's health and safety regulations.


In New York City, the Department of Health and Mental Hygiene holds the reins of the restaurant grading system, a scale that does not extend below a C. If a restaurant's conditions are so poor that they might warrant a D or an F, the establishment is not allowed to operate with such low scores. Instead, the health department immediately closes its doors. This policy ensures that any restaurant posing a significant health risk cannot serve the public until it adequately addresses all safety concerns.

This proactive approach to public health has led to a noticeable impact. In the last fiscal year, more and more restaurants in New York City have earned the coveted A grade. In turn, the city's health department has been shutting down much fewer restaurants for health violations in recent years.


NYC's transparent restaurant grading enhances dining safety

New York City's restaurant grading system is clear and purposeful; it deliberately excludes an F grade. How does the system award grades? Well, restaurants get an A for exemplary compliance (0 to 13 points), a B for moderate compliance (14 to 27 points), and a C for minimal compliance (28 points or more). In this system, the less points an establishment receives, the better. The assessment occurs during sanitary inspections and encompasses critical aspects like food handling, temperature control, employee hygiene, and vermin control.


It's pivotal for this grading system to be transparent. Consumers see the grades displayed on the restaurant's window or door and can make an informed choice before dining within. The grading system pushes restaurant owners to keep their standards high to retain their coveted A rating. And, most of us would rather eat in a place with an A on the door, right? Historically, this grading system has also put stress on restaurant owners, with some purported to resort to all sorts of measures to hide or mask a B or C grade.

By setting the bar high and not even having an F grade, fewer restaurants are being shut down for bad sanitation, and there's a real push for top-notch food safety. It's a win-win, especially for those who love to dine out in the city. While giant rats may still roam the streets of the Big Apple, you'll feel relieved knowing that vermin don't roam your favorite restaurant's kitchen.


