An Organized Fridge Is Key For A Stress-Free Dinner Party

If you know that you are having guests over for dinner, you will be well served by cleaning out and organizing your fridge in advance. Avoid the hassle and embarrassment of items falling onto the floor after the fridge door is opened or guests searching for condiments in the compartment as you attempt to put dinner on the table. With an organized fridge, you and your guests will have an easier time finding ingredients and reaching for extra produce, sauces, or accouterments that might be last-minute adjustments to the planned meal. 

If you're worried about forgetting ingredients or dishes for any of your recipes, dedicate one entire shelf to store everything you will need to serve your guests. This helpful organizational strategy can be useful if you're preparing dishes the day before or chopping ingredients to assemble for unconventional hors d'oeuvres to surprise your dinner guests after they arrive. Set all of the dressings, sauces, and condiments in one area so you have a quick and easy approach to getting items out on countertops and placed onto buffet tables before the first guests knock on your door.

Making Marie Kondo proud

If fridge cleaning isn't part of your regular kitchen maintenance, use the added pressure of your arriving dinner guests to motivate you into action. Organize the shelves inside of your fridge and customize the placement of ledges to accommodate taller bottles and larger containers. Having extra space in your fridge can mean more room for guests' offerings like bottles of wine or other dishes that can be set on the grazing table. Even after your last guest leaves the party, your thoughtful cleaning efforts can pay off, as there will be less mess to account for. 

Your strategic, organized approach can save you any cringe-inducing moments should a guest enter the kitchen to help themselves to another drink or look for extra cheese to replenish the charcuterie board. Instead of worrying about the state of your fridge, you can be free to focus your energies on creating a dining experience that your friends will fondly remember.