Fry Up Leftover Mashed Potatoes To Create A Crispy, Craveable New Dish

Mashed simply with a fork, put through a ricer, or whipped with a splash of double cream and knobs of butter, a serving of mashed taters is as heavenly as it gets. But what to do with the leftovers? Do justice to yesterday's mash by making crispy, craveable croquettes that will be devoured as quickly as they are assembled. To enjoy a pleasing second day of potato paradise, the process is as easy as rolling the mash into balls, coating them with breadcrumbs, and pan-frying.

The brilliant thing about using mashed potato to make these dainty croquettes is that you'll likely have everything you need in your pantry to get started — any variety of breadcrumbs, your favorite dry seasonings, and a saucy condiment to dip them into. They're also super-quick to make because you've got the leftover potato prepped and ready to go, which you've probably already seasoned with extras, like herbs or shredded cheese. 

Simply bind your mashed potato with an egg and some breadcrumbs before shaping the mixture into balls and rolling in more breadcrumbs. Then pan fry your croquettes until they're beautifully golden, or deep fry them for a crispier crust. It's advisable to pop the patties in the fridge to firm up a little just before frying them to help them keep their shape once they hit the hot fat in the pan.

Get creative by adding herbs and seasonings to your leftover mashed potatoes

After frying your potato patties you should be left with a crunchy coating on the exterior and a tender, hot middle. To elevate them further, add extra seasonings to the potato mixture, such as red pepper flakes or mustard for heat, cilantro for freshness, or chopped ham for a boost of satiating protein. 

The same goes for your breadcrumbs, too, whether they're the crispy panko variety, the golden ones available from the grocery store, or a batch you've made at home by repurposing a chunk of stale baguette in the processor. Sprinkle some garlic powder, smoked paprika, or anything else that takes your fancy into the breadcrumbs to give them a little attitude and create layers of scrumptious flavor. Feel free to serve your pan-fried beauties with sour cream dip or a simple squirt of ketchup.

However, there's one key thing to be mindful of when exercising your culinary genius — you likely seasoned your mashed potatoes with salt or pre-salted ingredients, such as butter, on the day you made them. So, avoid double-salting the potatoes and stick with spices that lend flavor without the salt. These craveable croquette-style patties are so moreish that you might start making extra mashed potatoes with your Sunday roast just to be left with plenty of guaranteed tater leftovers. And who could blame you? We most certainly won't.