The Tip To Remember Before Freezing Large Quantities Of Meat

Cost-effective family-sized packages of meat are money savers. But if you're reluctant to buy bigger packs of meat because you simply won't be able to eat through them before the use-by date, freezing is the answer. And we've got a fantastic tip to remember when freezing large quantities of meat, like beef brisket, chicken breast, and pork chops: Portion and repackage everything into smaller bags before stashing in the freezer.

Let's be honest. It's highly tempting to put the entire package of meat into the freezer as soon you get back from the supermarket in a bid to unload the groceries faster. However, this creates problems down the road because the meat will freeze into a giant clump that you won't be able to separate out into usable portions later. You'll have to thaw out the entire bulk package, cook the whole lot, and be left eating pulled pork for days.

Instead, open the packages and portion out as much chicken breast or beef that you'd use for a single occasion, wrap in plastic wrap or freezer paper, and place in Ziploc bags. Better yet, vacuum seal your meat — because removing as much air as possible from the bags is vital to preventing freezer burn and increasing the shelf life of the meat. Label and date the bags before freezing them flat, taking care to spread the packages out on the shelves to reduce freeze times. Then pull out whatever takes your fancy when the mood to cook strikes.

The benefits of freezing meat in smaller portions

There are many benefits to freezing meat in smaller quantities. Firstly, compact servings freeze far quicker than bigger packages, helping to maintain the quality, texture, and flavor of the meat by minimizing ice crystals. Secondly, you can group the meats together once frozen to create a little pile in your freezer, which makes it easier to stock and meal plan. Finally, smaller pieces of meat thaw faster than bigger ones, so you'll be able to make delicious meals in record time without wastage. Simply pull out the exact amount you need, such as a single chicken breast or a small package of ground beef to make everything from stir-fried dishes to casseroles, and from meatballs to burgers and taco meat.

Speaking of ground beef, repackage all ground meats, like turkey and chicken, by flattening them out in freezer bags and taking the meat all the way to the corners. Once frozen, you can stack them or store them vertically on the shelves, like books on a bookshelf, to save space. As always, no matter the cut, remember to rotate the meat in your freezer, placing newer packages underneath older ones, so you can eat your way through everything in the order they were frozen.