According To David Chang, Restaurants Near A Costco Are A Go-To

The next time you head to Costco for groceries, you may want to keep an eye out for restaurants nearby. As posted to the Instagram account for his podcast show, Chang's unique theory is to look for restaurants near Costco stores, specifically restaurants that have 1-star and 5-star ratings — and water features. In the clip, Chang's counterpart Chris Ying clarifies that restaurants with 2, 3, and 4 stars should be avoided. 

Though the duo's recording may be made in jest, the experiment had delicious consequences. Chang and Ying order from California's Pho Tran Vu and proceed to slurp and chow down on substantial bowls of noodles and seasoned meals. The noodles with shrimp and crab surprised Ying, who evidently arrived with low expectations and left with lifted spirits. Chang devours a bowl of pho noodles topped with crab sauce and vegetables. After slurping the dish, a satisfied Chang remarks, "Just what I needed."

When shopping and eating go together

"Restaurants Near Costco needs to be a show," one Instagram user wrote on Chang's post. "This is the content we need." Another commenter added that restaurants located nearby car washes can also be evaluated using the same criteria. As Chang and Ying reviewed the restaurant, the eating duo assessed the ambiance, flavors, and service, concluding that the destination was a solid choice for visitors in the area. Chang reveals he would eat at the restaurant a lot, and considering that he once condemned the rotisserie chicken sold at Costco on his podcast, labeling the dish "inedible," it would make sense he would be looking for restaurants outside the business. 

Whether you want to avoid shopping while hungry or your shopping runs have left you famished, look for restaurants with clear reviews online, and don't be afraid to order and try something new, just as Chang and Ying demonstrated. Keep an open mind, and you may be pleasantly surprised with the meal you are served.