The Easiest Starbucks Hack For A Biscotti Frappuccino

If you love the sweet crunch of biscotti, you'll love adding this flavor to your next Frappuccino from Starbucks. While coffee drinkers around the world dip these traditional Italian treats into steaming cups of coffee, get ready to take the flavor infusion one step further. By adding either store-bought or homemade biscotti to your Vanilla Bean Frappuccino Starbucks drink order, you'll be on your way to sipping a smoother, richer, and more experimental version of the typical drink listed on the menu. Though you may get a few curious glances from other customers — and perhaps even the barista — placing this order with confidence will paint you out to be the in-the-know caffeinated regular that you are.

Biscotti Frappucinos are one of those special drinks listed on the secret menus of Starbucks, and not every store may be willing to blend a crunchy cookie into your drink. It never hurts to ask, however, especially if the store is slow on a weekday afternoon. The blended pieces of biscotti will add a delightful crunch to your drink and thicken up your usual Frappuccino order

A coffee drink made with texture

Feeling shy? Mix biscotti into your drink yourself. Crumble pieces of biscotti and mix them into your drink with a spoon, or blend your own version at home with the biscotti you make from scratch. Adding sprinkles of powdered cinnamon, extra pumps of vanilla syrup, drizzles of honey and chocolate, and whippy toppings of cream can help you build the kind of coffee treat that delivers your preferred level of sweetness. Experiment with mixing biscotti pieces into differently flavored Frappuccino orders to discover your favorite combination of tastes. 

You'll want to be sure to take a spoon with you if you're enjoying this treat on the go for those last bits of cookie crumbles that settle in the bottom of your drink can be the satisfying end note your drink calls for. After finishing your first order and while amped up on sugar and caffeine, you may be filled with the confidence to sing "That's Amore!" in the comfort of your car.