Roast Your Spuds For Truly Great Potato Salad

Stuck in a potato salad rut? Think outside of the box and give spuds a makeover by roasting rather than boiling. While it might sound a bit unorthodox, the fact of the matter is that this simple change in cooking method will transform any potato salad, taking flavors and textures to the next level.

No matter the ingredient at hand, roasting is a surefire way to make foods taste and look better because, let's face it, boiled potatoes will never be as gorgeous as their golden, oven-toasted counterparts. What's special about the roasting (or air frying) process is that, by using indirect heat, it provides a steady distribution of heat through thicker veg, but also caramelizes its exterior, drawing out a food's natural sweetness. 

Crisp yet fluffy and full of complexity, replacing the boiled spuds typical of most potato salad recipes with roasted potatoes is a no-brainer. They bring a mildly sweet and slightly charred quality to the dish that so perfectly juxtaposes both creamy dressings and oil-based vinaigrettes. Served hot or cold, roasted potato salad might just become the side dish to rival all others.

An amazing roasted potato salad lies in the details

Choosing the right tuber for a roasted potato salad can be a head-scratcher; waxy varieties are regarded as best for boiling, while starchy potatoes are typically used for roasting. However, all-purpose potatoes like the Yukon contain just the right amount of moisture and starch, that make them ideal for a roasted spud salad. 

Once the 'taters have been cleaned, you can chop them into 1-inch chunks,  leaving the peels on for added texture, should you choose. As the potatoes roast, you can start to think about how to dress them. Since potatoes are a relatively blank canvas for flavor, you can be as creative as you want when crafting a recipe. Opt for a lusciously creamy mayonnaise-forward dressing or amp up acidity with a punchy vinaigrette. Likewise, add in a dollop of dijon, a squirt of hot sauce, or a drizzle of maple syrup for extra depth. As for add-ins, herbs and spices are a great place to start. Celery, eggs, pickles, bacon bits, sun-dried tomatoes, caramelized onions, or even crumbled blue cheese can also make salads more interesting.

When it comes to assembling the roasted potato salad, let potatoes cool slightly before tossing with the dressing and other ingredients; coat things abruptly and you risk turning the roasted spuds into a mash. Then you can serve it still warm or let it cool, covered in the fridge; how you serve your roasted potato salad is entirely up to you!