Change Up Your Regular Iced Tea With Vibrant Orange Juice

Are you looking to jazz up your regular iced tea for a vibrant and flavorful twist? Orange juice may not be the first option that comes to mind, but this colorful and citrusy combo might just become your next favorite iced summer beverage. 

This stand-in for southern sweet tea originated in the east central United States. Aside from being delicious, it's a great way to sweeten up your tea while skipping the usual processed sugar. As a bonus, you get all the vitamins, minerals, and antioxidants found in orange juice that have been shown to help prevent kidney stones, improve heart health, and decrease inflammation (via Healthline).

And if you're worried that orange juice is filled with added sugars anyway, it turns out this isn't true. According to the Florida Department of Citrus (FDOC), as long as it's marked 100% orange juice there is no added sugar — so all that sweetness is naturally occurring. Add to that all the ways there are to get creative with variations, and it's clear this is a winner for a refreshing take on your iced tea. So, how do you go about making this citrusy infusion?

How to make orange iced tea

Once you've selected your orange juice, it's time to pick a tea. Of course, there's the standard black tea–orange juice mix, but you can try any that you think pairs well. For example, you could go for an orange jasmine tea if you prefer a floral flavor profile. Other solid options for your tea base include green tea with ginger, hibiscus, earl grey, and even peppermint. Whichever you decide on, be sure to brew an extra strong batch so that the flavor will hold up against the vibrant orange juice taste.

When the tea has cooled completely, add the orange juice. The ratio is entirely up to you, from a standard 50-50 split to just a splash of OJ for an added zip without overpowering your tea. With tons of possibili-teas for add-ins, you can explore seemingly endless iced tea variations. The most obvious is a slice of orange to top it all off, or use lemon, lime, or grapefruit wedges to introduce varying citrus notes.