The Rich, Smoky Peppers That Go Perfectly With Steak

Mole poblano is a classic, celebrated dish for good reason. Pairing the sweet, smoky taste of grilled and roasted poblano peppers with tender, juicy cuts of steak is a consistent match of flavor that will always deliver. Whether blended into a purée or mixed into a thick, flavorful sauce, these types of peppers can offer a taste of satisfying heat to your steak dinners. 

If you're thinking about having steak fajitas on the menu for tonight's meal or are searing beef on the grill to serve, inviting poblano peppers to the party can take an average dish and transform it into a recipe that calls for second helpings. For those uncertain about slathering peppers of any kind onto your perfectly cooked cuts, consider putting together oven-roasted chile rellenos with tomatillo salsa, instead. Keep an open mind and palate, however, as the mild, earthy heat of poblanos could be just what your meat calls for.

The difference between green and red poblano peppers

Poblano peppers can be found in green and red varieties. Red poblanos generally pack more heat than the milder-tasting green counterparts, while the greener peppers offer more of a fresh, earthy flavor to dishes. When dried, spoonfuls of red poblano powder can deepen your sauces and bring a flavorful element to basic condiments like barbecue sauce, mustard, and ketchup.

Experiment with pairing your next cuts of steaks with sauces enhanced with poblano powder or chop pieces of the pepper to fold into salsa to serve on the side. The thicker skins of poblano peppers can bring a satisfying textural bite to salsas or be used as containers for fillings made with vegetables and your choice of meat or meat substitutes. Once trying this flavor combination, you may discover that this mild heat could be just the piece that has been missing from your protein-packed meals and you may be reaching for poblano powder the next time you visit the store.