The Easy Potato Addition To Seriously Elevate Slow Cooker Chicken

When you walk through the farmers markets of Paris, you'll find vendors roasting chickens over a bed of potatoes for some of the most flavorful spuds you have ever tasted. As the chicken slowly rotates and roasts, its juices drip onto the potatoes, imbuing them with deliciousness. While you may not be traveling to Paris anytime soon, by placing potatoes in a slow cooker with your chicken you can achieve similarly tasty results.

Layering a bed of potatoes under your chicken in a slower cooker creates a complete meal, making dinnertime a whole lot easier, and no one is going to complain about that. You can use any piece of chicken you prefer (thigh, wing, breast, or even a whole chicken), as well as any kind of potato, from red to Yukon or russet. It's all up to personal preference and what ingredients you have on hand. All it takes is a few simple prep steps and your palate will be transported. 

Let the ingredients work magic together

When it comes to prepping the potatoes for this slow cooker one-pot chicken and potato meal, larger potatoes, such as Yukon gold, should be halved or quartered for better cooking results. New potatoes, which are smaller in size, can remain whole because they will cook through and soften easily during the cooking process. While any potato can be used, by opting for baby potatoes or Yukon gold, your end result will be creamier when it's cook. And by using potatoes with a softer skin, the flavors and fats from the chicken juices will stand a better chance of seeping into the starchy flesh. 

When placing the potatoes in the bottom of the crockpot, arrange them in a single layer so each potato touches the chicken during the cooking process. Likewise, the chicken pieces should be set on top of the potatoes in a single layer. After adding seasoning and chicken broth, all that is left is to do is turn on your slow cooker and allow the ingredients work their magic, creating an easy, filling, and enjoyable dinner, even if it's not eaten in Paris.