Why You Should Add Stone Fruit To An Old Fashioned

Certain cocktails are called classics for good reason, and the old fashioned is one of those recipes. Serving up an enjoyable blend of bitters, whiskey, and sugar, this smooth, satisfying drink has reliably slid across bars since the early 1800s. Yet sometimes, even tried and true recipes call for a bit of an upgrade, and inventive bartenders around the world have added their own unique touches to create satisfying twists on this dependable drink. From fat-washing whiskey to adding herbsaint or absinthe to the traditional recipe, old fashioned cocktails have been made new again.

If the sweet, comforting blend of whiskey and bitters has become your go-to order, we have an easy suggestion you can try to modify your drink without changing much on the already near-perfect list of ingredients: add stone fruit. Fruit, you ask? Let us explain why stone fruits and old fashioned cocktails yield a match made in boozy heaven.

Breaking tradition never tasted so sweet

Adding stone fruit to an old fashioned cocktail can brighten and liven the drink. At the North Fork Table & Inn, bartenders use stone fruits in season to keep guests surprised with new flavors and add natural sweetness to beverages. From plums to peaches, local fruits not only offer a taste of the season but also provide a regional flavor to a standard recipe.

Though stone fruits have a limited window of freshness, consider making simple syrup with stone fruit to use throughout the year. Bring an equal amount of sugar and water to a rolling boil and mix in your preferred stone fruits. Simmer until the liquid is reduced to a thicker syrup. When stored properly in the fridge, this homemade syrup can last up to six months, so you'll be able to add a touch of summer to your old fashioned even during cold winters. Sometimes, adjusting a standard recipe can result in surprisingly delicious new tastes, and stone fruits can add that extra oomph to a cocktail recipe that's centuries old but definitely outdated.