The Easy Way To Dry Your Own Oregano

It may not be a common practice in modernized households anymore, but the art of drying herbs, spices, and even fruits has been a part of our collective human story for as long as anyone can remember. Rosemary was hung from the rafters of wise women's homes before they were deemed witches. In Japan, persimmons are still strung on clotheslines in a method called hoshigaki to make sweets (via Surrey Farms). And in civilizations all over the world, dried herbs have been used to infuse spirits, teas, and other things for medicinal practices. 

Today, it's a bit more timely and convenient for people to run to the store and grab pre-dried sage or marjoram, but according to the Farmers' Almanac, we should stick to our roots. In the long term, it is much more economically prudent to grow and dry your own herbs for use. Additionally, store-bought herbs are of a lower quality than home-dried and may even contain harmful pesticides that you don't want or need in your favorite recipes. If this all sounds good to you, you must look into growing and drying your oregano. It is a perennial herb so it won't cost you much, and it is super easy to air dry!

Tie them up

There are a few ways to dry out your oregano. You can use modern tools like the oven or a dehydrator if you're in a rush, but Masterclass claims that hang-drying is the oldest and least costly method to use. You must hang dry your oregano by tying them together at the cut bottom of the stems. You'll then hang these herbs upside down with twine indoors, in a warm and well-air-circulated area. 

The drying process may vary and could take anywhere from 2-6 weeks depending on all the variables. Mother Earth Living recommends drying the herbs in your kitchen so you can keep an eye on them throughout the drying process, and if you're worried about the oregano collecting dust, feel free to tie a brown paper bag around the bunches.

Gardening Know How says that once you notice that your oregano leaves can crumble easily and the stems are hard, your herbs are ready to be stored away. To cleanly remove the leaves, squeeze your thumb and pointer finger together at the base of the stem and pull the herb through your fingers. The leaves should fall away smoothly from the stiff, woody part of the plant.